too straight or what?

assalamualaikum wbt..

so, for the first time in my life~ =_______= not really first time to join the quiz and failed. tp aku join quiz agama~~ ahahaha.. terer ke aku nih? xpon. sbb sek aku da kalah awal2 lagikk.. tp tula sek kitorng yg menang uh.. hafazan, zanji pompuan dgan ape ntah lgkk satuh uh.. layan jeee semuaaa… sek yg menang uh.. sure2la STF pastu SRI RAHMAT pastu TASEK UTARA 2.. layaann sajeee… tp okeeyyy la kot.. at least, we have the experience. btw, i met haikal, zack, izyan, faezza, hafizah selamat, hazwani.. ahahahaa.. jualianie jugak~~ ismith, fareez, fahmi.. ahaha.. old times friendsss.. layannnn…

ouh ya, i’ve deleted mr.weird number for the 4th time in my life. nape yep? suddenly, rse annoying~~ tatau npe.. ahahhaa.. weellll.. dia masok syarahan td.. tu jelaa.. npe ntah rse laen laakk bile cm dia respond uh.. hahaha.. gileer! aku la yg gilerr pluss ntah hape hape gituhhhh.. dok sibuk pk mcm2.. =__________=

dis week suddenly cm baik gilerr pastu cm jht gilerrr ( balik smula perangai asal ) nasebbblerr uh si mr.weird nk pk ape.. lantak lerrr… myb pasl aku da kasi surat yg aku tulis sje2 tu kott.. act.. xdela saje saje.. tp ade certain part uh yg x betul.. cm.. dia uh cm besf aku.. cmnela dia bleh jdk cm besf aku lakkk padahal kt sek punyelaaa jarang nk berckp ckkp smua uhhhh.. pastu, dia cm tegur psl aku strike outtt fa;miss leha, yg bold tuh ar aku strike out dlm surat uh.. dia ckp dia anggap seyes surat tuhhh.. waaa.. seram lorrrhhh.. npe ntah.. layan~~~ tp klau dia anggap seyes pastu dia.. erm.. okeyy okeyy,, stop it.. it is only a dream.. and impossible to come true~~ hahahaha.. layannnn semuaaa…

haaaiiizzz.. ayiez, suddenly dia ckp aku sial~~ pergghhhh.. sabo jee.. aku tawu kau sedihhh sbb uh suro sabo. xkn aku nk suro kau g buno diri kau sbb awek kau tinggal kau gituh jeeppp.. gituhlaaa kn layan member.. xpe.. klau kau xsabrrr, aku sabarrr..

ps: success is how high u bounce back when u hitt the bottom~~

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A bright girl with a dream

4 thoughts on “too straight or what?”

  1. isk ??
    nape lak delete no mr weird uh?

    xpikan xper.. [nas pon delete kan gk my ex mr. weirdo .. ]
    ngahahhaha.. xD

  2. LoL nas men2 ajerk.. xD

    dun take it serius r fa..
    isk./. r u ok wit da thing goin?

    smoge success mnempuh saat2 getir..
    xD LoL [men2 jerk.. = =]

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