
yay.. he’s so weird.. ape kene ntah. also dunno. and i want to call him, mr.weird. buley kn??? today, went to school to kemas kemas kelas.. hahaha.. kunun je tuh.. but ya.. tolong khalida bt keje addmath pastu2.. tolong2 yg len tuh sket2.. hahahaha.. kunun rajeeennnn siott.. x leyh blah arr.. geget gak si leha nih. can i gigit my ownself? stupid me!

so.. keep talking and talking and talking.. with them.. hoho.. mesra~~ sungguh bahagia.. hahahaa… except with dat guy…hahaha.. if u want my attention, u already got it now! asl la asik pk psl dia je??? pelik la weyh~~~ siot arr.. faha, u should pay ur attention to your study… haizzz… and wth ya.. shafiqah said she like dat school.. sigh =_______= i hope i like it too.. hahaha..

haizzz.. i left the langsir at office.. hell yeah.. cmne nk bg senin nnt? jawapnnyee~~ tunggula rabu ke khamis ke.. hahaha.. tulasss… sapes suros rajeen sggtttt.. hahaha.. ske ati aku la… kau sebok nape??? errrggghhh.. sudahlah faha..i hate u.. hahaha.. sengal.. being sengal is the most thing i like to be bcoz i can be crazy crazy a bit.. hah.. a bit ke? ntah hape2 je..

I’m feeling sleepy and tired now. panjat-ing stairs to my class.. hurm.. so high.. not really la… huhu~~ at least, my class was isolated from others.. hahaha.. ape aku merepek merapu nih? uh ya… my dad, my lil sis and bro, syamil and syaffaa went to kluang today.. left me, ojan and my mum at home.. my mum said diorg akn balik b4 midnyte.. of coz la kn?? today is syamil’s birthday.. mesti dia nk kek tiramisu dia tuh.. hahahah..klau dia xnk, aku nak!! hahahah.. cm biasala tuh… huhu~ and ya.. he asked for a BIG helicopter for the present.. then then he said he will keep it until he finish his UPSR.. haha.. lansom cant be trusted. hahahaha.. sengal punye akak.. klau akula kan.. i will study hard bcz my mum promise to dat bro, klau he gets straight A’s for his UPSR.. dia akn dpt laptop.. bpk besss~~ baikla study bebtul b4 minx present.. kn? kn??

starting next week, stay back to make some revision on form 4 subjects.. haizzz.. so lazy actually but when i started to think about that sickening exams.. haizzz.. i better start study and make revision by now.. hahaha.. jgn patah semangat wahai farhahku syg~~~

uh ya.. smlm.. dunno which way my mind come sooooo wrong… i actually called mr.danny… rindu giler ar kt dia.. hahaha.. saje je mengadakan perasaan yg x de tuh.. npe ek??? eyh mne ade mengade yg x de.. act mmg rindu pon.. hahahaha… tp biasalah… aku kan mengade2.. plus2 aku ske giler gmbr dia yg aku submit pd dia tuh. dia tnye mne dpt.. but yaa.. ske sgt2 gmbr dia yg tuh.. nmpk cm BAIK giler plus plus nmpk cm hahaha.. SOPAN ssssggggttttttt… yg best tuh.. ade ke dia suro aku ajak dia date??? sunggoh x gentleman la… ade ke ptt? haizz.. mr.danny syg.. u yg janji dgn i nk blanje i, how come i yg kne ajak u date??? blanje McFlurry kt McD pon cukp pergh… asl aku terigt eskrim nih.. waa.. so hungry…. but ya.. kne charge singgit lebih tepon dia smlm and i started to make hutang2 dgn org.. asl aku pokai gilerr nihhhh??? adedeyh…

hopefully, by next week.. aku dpt kuarkan duet biasiswa.. byr balik utang dgn abg yin, my mum dan my lil sis yg kaya uh.. then.. save some money utk crik.. ergh.. crik ape ek?? ari tuh cm da pk nk beli ape bila kuarkan duit biasiswa.. nih pehal lpe plak nih??? fa….. whats wrong with u girl??? haizzz…. nk beli pen drive kot.. hahaha.. watever the things is.. mcm2 aku akn buat bile da kuarkan duit tuh nnt.. hahahaha.. ske2 ati je.. 🙂

ps: nihla jdik klau mcm2 rse bercampur ~.~

I’m in love, so what??

hahaha.. love? wth is love?? love is something dat u share with others.. haha.. with a living thing or what ever it is.. ya ya.. i read something about it.. cinta ituh pasti ade utk dikongsi tnpa perlu diambil drpd org lain yg kita cintai.. so.. love.. i’m in love with my life.. i share it with my frens.. so what? are u unhappy with it? go to hell la.. x ya sebok2 dlm idop aku!! isk isk…

school was bored like hell.. everything was smooth btw, but ya damn bored. the first day je my mum’s time was relief by so-weird teacher, Fauzi.. hahaha.. and ya.. he always smiling at me like I’m wearing some sort of batch ‘i’m the hot chicks’ written on it to school.. hahahaha.. but ya.. history was fun.. fuyoo fuyoo dat teacher.. also dunno ar.. her voice is soooo LLLLOOOOOUUUDDDDD!!!! till u cant sleep in her class.. plus2 sape x siap keje kne cubit.. syok uh~~~

classmates.. hurm.. some of em can be sort into SKEMA group.. yeah yeah.. my mum already told me dat… i’ve to accept dat.. plus.. sitting with this ‘always smile :)’ girl, Ainur make me feel wanna shout.. hahahaa.. she’s so DIAM~~ haizz.. busan dowh.. i change my place in class today.. npe ek? oh.. i wanna give shafiqah a place for her.. hahaa.. poyo jep… got this boy.. pergh.. mke dia.. x leyh blah.. name dia, dot dot dot.. hahaha.. b4 aku pinda sek.. ade gak jmpe2 kt sek tuh.. mke dia buat aku rse cm.. ‘sombong siot..’ but then i realized how weird he is.. hahha.. ske nyanyi dlm kelas.. pastu.. erkk.. ntahlaa~~ susah~~ aku yg susah~~ class aku.. fuyooohhhh… lapang gile wa ckp lu.. mne x nye.. bdk2nye ade 24 je.. adedeyh~~~ lg sakett….

kenal dgn hanizah, khalida, aliah, sara, wani, suhaibah, shero [ name dia shahirah kot..], abdullah, hidayat, shah rizan, wanie, aishah, ain, azizan, megat, raffi, sharifah, ayu.. erk.. sape lg ek?? whatever the names are.. so, falling in love is not a mistake ryte?? hopefully i fall in love with my homework, teachers, frens.. ahhahaha.. so dat i can score with flying colour for my SPM.. hell yah.. dis Exam is suxx.. make me think and think and think before go to sleep… make me wanna kick kick things.. huhu~~

dats all 4 today.. and ya.. happy to be with all of them..

ps: asl aku call Shazri x dpt??

new school..

hurm… hari nih aku ikut mak aku g skola dia.. daftar fauzan dan byar yuran aku + adik aku tuhla… dear SDARY, here I come!!!! pastu g beli buku tulis dan akhirnye ke SETA… amik surat berenti sekolah SETA.. huuhu.. amik surat tukar sekolah.. pengetua SETA, hjh raudah menyokong aje tindakan mak aku tuh.. btw, i got newss.. next year budak2 5Amanah dpt guru kelas baru.. aku rse Hanim.. huwahuwahuwa.. naseb ler tuh… oh ya.. aku akn ke SETA lg.. untuk amik fail aku plus all the PEKA2 tuh.. hehehe..

aku call suhail… inform psl benda tuh.. dia cm toink toink sket.. pastu suro member dia ckp.. x aleh2 kenal lak dngn si Hafiz, kasanova.. ahaks.. watever suhail… its ok btw…

smlm.. gado2 manje dgn Abby.. dia bg msj kt awek dia gne hp aku.. pstu awek dia reply.. pastu2. aku save ar no awek dia tuh.. hahaha. sje je…pastu berebut2 tipon aku.. ape benda jelah si Abby tuh.. geget kang.. hahaha.. uh ya.. dia balik pahang lme lgkk 14 jan nnt.. so aku still ade time kacau2 dia… huhu~~~ saje je…

btw, esok da stat skolah.. seramnye~~~ aku ade kenal bebbrape org new classmate aku… joynaidi, fatin, wani.. erk…. ramai ke tuh??? ntah ekkk… aku lupe2 igtla… naseblerr tuh..janji bahagia.. uh ya.. sek bru, kwn baru, azam baru… semuga sukses!!

ps: kwn2 lame di SETA, ade yg tawu ade yg tak.. jgn marah ye darling2 sekalian….

Selamat Tinggal 2007

first of all.. aku nk list out ape da jdkk pada aku dlm thun 2007 nih.

1- dpt masok science stream.. yeah.. 1 per yg ptt dibanggakn.. sbb susah sket stream nih.. byk subjek yg buatkan aku stay up bile nk exam~~
2- g KL dgn kawan2 rapat aku (zack, syarfa, niesa, dida, has, pja) sgt seronok tp x syok sgtla sbb yan x de..
3- pindah sekolah SETA.. memula cm x ok.. tp lps2 tuh ok.. sbb smua pompuan.. hahaha.. kunun je tuh…
4- digelar TRIPLE F sbb dlm kelas ade 3 org yg stat name dgn hurf F (Farhah, Farrah Fayyadhah, Fatin Syahirah) love them!! cikgu pon tawu da~~~
5- lebih berdikari.. agaknyela… hahaha.. at least i can survive at SETA bile my mum ditransfer ke skola lain..
6- kenal dgn Fairus (hate dat!), dgn faiz (ok2 je), dinie (haizz… okeylaaa…), apan yg sengal~
7- raye yg biase2 je… tp sedikit fun sbb abg sedara aku kasi duit raye.. thnks abg kerol.. hehehe.. nnt bg duet raye lgkk tau ^.^ smuga murah rezeki ramai anak.. hehehe..
8- atok meninggal dunia 😥 sedih seyh…
9- buat keje xde fekdah dgn Abby~~ gile pnye kazen.. abby, org tgh talkin tuh.. gile la kau~~
10- lansong x rapat dgn zack & yg lain after pinda skola..
11- menghadapi konflik yg mengarut2.. shial pon ye jgkk.. hahaha… :))
12- Pn. Sakora kawin. aku & rakan2 enjoy gileerrrr sbb dpt jemputan khas gituh.. hahaha.. kitorng siap muncul dlm video perkahwinan dia lgkk tuh.. fuyyoooo fuuyyyooooo…
13- pergi umrah utk kali ke 2..
14- erm.. ape ek??? oh ya.. kwn2 rapat aku g teknik.. Ayiez dgn Ikram… tp Ikram dah pindah perling smula dowh… biarla diaa…. kurang rapat dgn ayiez by now…
15- dpt twin~~~ (^.^) twin tipooo tipoo.. nme nye SUHAIL… kn suhail kn?
16- dpt cntct blik kwn2 sek rendah aku (adib, mirul, ros, hajar, liyana natasha, afiq etc etc)
17- buat blog.. sharing is caring kn?? kn??? hahahaha…
18- first date ^.^ happening gileerrrr… hahahahaha.. ske2 ati jeee…. siap baling bola ke blakang lg tuh.. thnks to my aunts , uncle plus couzin yg supportin ggileeerrrr… huhu~~ tp klau fa clash dgn dia.. jgn marah yeaa….
19- smakin mls mkn ubat~~ inovasi… aku juga mengidap migrain..hahahaha… :))
20- letto kuarkan album ke dua.. kire cmpor life aku x? hahahaha…
21- dpt abg sebaya.. syg shahrol~~ thnks sbb sudi luang mse utk aku…
22- sgt2 rapat dgn abg yin..lurve u la brader… shazri, disyg slalu la weyh.. tp sedkit fed up sbb asl call mesti x dpt… abg shah yg smakin cool~~ ske gilerrr…. smakin syg pd mereka bertiga.. thnks a lot to them yg slalu bg support dikala aku sedang kecundang di mata dunia.. chewah….
23- wakil sekolah pertandingan kt PERSADA dpt tmpt ke -3.. it was ok after all.. sbb pegi dgn kwn2.. and yeah.. fun sgt sgt.. hehehe.. mak suro balik skola on dat day pon x nk..siap g lunch lagi reramai tuh.. tp x kesah.. sbb tukan friendship yg everlasting~~
24- wakil sekolah g kuiz sejarah kt sek men keb gelang patah.. kalah abis tp jmpe yan~~ and knal dgn intan~~ dak SMK Dato Usman Awang…
25- jd pengacara majlis utk majlis RIMUP peringkat Daerah JB kt STAR (1).. even tired nk mampos that day.. it was fun after all sbb dpt experience yg byk plus2 diberi kepercayaan sepnuhnya oleh guru2 yg melatih dan our headmisstres, Pn.Raudhah.. siap kne puji lg dgn pegawai pendidikan Johor.. hahaha.. kembang sket dat day…
26 – blank =______=

okey2.. konklusinye…yg penting.. thun nih aku jdk sedikit jht.. oh my~~ sedikit ke? byk gilerr.. aku seolah2 revenge balik ape mmber aku da buat pd aku, aku kurang ajar dgn cikgu, aku crik gado dgn org.. haiz..mcm2.. efek dia byk gile.. antaranya.. pindah sekolah.. jdk playgirl..hahhaa… XDXD putus friendship.. ptt x jdk gituh kn?? hahahhaa… naseblaa… aku hrp klau ade lgi bnda2 aku bt tuh… yg x best2 tuh.. amponknlah aku… yea yea… aku hnya manusia yg lemah..

smuga tahun nih dpt ditinggalkan.. hahaha.. of coz la kn??? aku hrp tahun depan tidakla secelaka tahun nih.. hehehee… 😀

ps: suhail suro aku pk out of the box.. okey.. i’ll do it suhail..


haiz.. blom pape da abis sebulan cuti.. homework da siapla sket2.. haha.. kire rajin gak kn aku neyh??? hoho.. pasan pasan… almost finish revision fizik..ALMOST~~~ yeessss… ituh yg sepattnyee… syok seyh~~~

uh ya.. aku mengalami beberapa kecederaan hari nih dan smlm.. hari nih, kaki aku terpelecok~~ erk.. ntah cmne ntah.. seb baik tmpt tuh x de org.. kalu x mesti malu >.<
smlm pulak, hampir2 terpotong jari telunjuk tgn kiri aku.. haiz… masok yg nih da 2 kali aku hmpir2 kehilangan jariku~~~ oh tidak.. sungguh2 menyakitkan kejadian ituh.. but ya.. salah aku jgk. sbb x ati2 mse gne pisau tuh.. hahaha.. kununnye anak dara yg rajen.. knela gituh.. hahaaa..

hari nih, g beli school stuff.. bags, cloths.. so, smua pn dpt beg baru.. baju baru, alat tulis baru.. haiz.. azam baru tuh.. tunggu new year eve rsenye.. hahaha..harap x terlalu lambat la.. yeah yeah.. should pay more attention on studiess… since next year, aku & adik bradik ku… amik exam penting.. SPM, PMR, UPSR~~ yeah yeah.. smuga berjaya..

aku beli beg studio work, baju skola and and.. yesss.. jumpe this boy, dia attend kitorng mse nk beli2 baju tuh.. and he asked me.. “x pindah skola mak ke?” aku da.. erk.. pindah skola mak??? suddenly, bleyh lak aku angguk2 then ya ya.. pindah skola. npe? ” kite anak murid mak awak” and i was like..erk.. anak murid mak???? haizzz… lps2 tuh, aku tnye mak aku then.. dia kate… bdk tuh sebaya awk, kelas A.. and i was like.. hah??? bior betul.. adedeyh~~~ at least, if i really change my school next year.. I already know him~~ kn? kn? si sengal~~

uh ya.. really really miss suhail.. u know why? dia kt KL.. da ckp dia akan kt sne 4 hari.. adedeyh.. lme gile~~~ aku da kebusanan da first nyte dia kt sne.. mne x nye.. dia bg msj, ckp dia kt alamanda.. and then.. dia gtau.. ramai seksi chicks~~ hahaa.. sengal je.. uh ya.. dis word “kene crik ganti kot” made me wanna.. fly fly fly… ape kne ntah dak tuh.. ari tuh.. dia kate “single is my middle name” tp ntahlaaa….. adedeyh.. one more, dia kate aku x de bakat masak kacang!! isk isk.. kau x rse lgkk da kate gituh.. sekeh nnt.. bru pdn mke.. tp nk sekeh cmne.. kau tuh jaoh.. kt KL.. haha…

hurm.. no idea nk gtau ape lgkk~~~ sekian~~
every single thing dat happen, has it own reason

jeng jeng jeng..

uh hye.. lme da x update blog neyh..

hari tuh.. aku g mersing.. the day b4.. tungkus lumus siapkn CD utk achik.. then2.. bile balik jb, bru pasan.. byk spelling error.. and today, keje si achik misscall aje.. aku rse cm nk sepak2 je.. seb baik dia jaoh.. klau dekat.. lame da knee.. isk isk.. aku call umh, kakak dia ckp dia x de.. aku call hp, kakak dia tanye ade ape prob?? weyh.. aku call sbb dia misscall.. ape dia igt aku nk sgt call adik dia? pigi da.. suara konon nk baik arr.. i hate itt!!!

uh ya.. mlm isnin tuh.. jumpe ar achik kejap.. kejap je.. mmg bebetl2 punye kejap.. aku bg Cd then. dia ckp dia nk g bandar.. aku tanye dia keje ape.. dia ckp “x yh sibuk nk tau..” pergh.. yela yela.. sapela aku kn??? aku terasa ati sket arr.. and dia blah cmtuh jee.. pergh.. sbr jekannnn?? biarla dia.. sbb pepehal pon.. aku da gtau dia, nk settle lps SPM 08.. igt tuh SPM 08.. tu matlamat aku skrang neyh.. haha..

mse kat mersing, kitong g tgk org crik emas.. gempak beb~~ nnt aku upload gmbr2 nye yea.. korang tgk la.. mcm pasar pon ade.. mmg gempak gile la.. tp x de org gile la… huhu~

adzim bg msj ari tuh.. then aku call dia, dia ckp dia kt endau.. rse cm dia nk turun mersing.. and ya.. myb dia jmpe kot mamat tuh.. hurm.. aku kirim salam maut utk dia.. amcam? okey x? hahah… watever achik..

ayiez, dia blik kluang.. ade kenduri kawin. fairus plak.. tdy dia call, dia ckp. pak su dia meninggal dunia sbb sakit jantung.. kesiankan? al-fatihah. even aku bukanla kenal pon.. and ya.. tepon rumah dia bising gile lgpun tyme tuh… 🙂

and ya.. hmwrk aku byk da siap.. aku sungguh GEMBIRA dgn fakta ituh.. huhu~ syok tuh beb.. tinggl revision jew.. adoi.. lemau btul ar kne buat revision neyh.. lgk2 bile igt FIZIK!!!!!!! oh tidak!!! puan khamawiyah kesygku… tidak tidak!!! fizik ituh.. seumpama mimpi ngeri.. adoi.. klau blaja fizik siang2 ari, mesti smpi mimpi2.. caya ar ckp aku..

shazri da ade fon.. yoe suro msj or call.. tp cm biasa ar.. x de mnenye aku nk call or msj.. aku bg msj.. replyyyyy laaaa sggggttttt kn abg aku sorng tuh.. rse cm nk cekik2 jew.. seb baik jaoh.. and ya.. aku doakan YOE a.k.a. AMIR dpt result gempak.. nnt bleyh dia blanje aku.. hikhik.. ske2 ati je..

“be yourself and x smua yg kita impikan kita akan dpt”