state of confusion :'(

wth la kn.. for the passed few dayss,, i have been crying so much. bodo btul!! skarang nih regret cm ape. pastu xmo da kwn dgn dia. hahahahaa.. ye ke x nk kwn? okeyy, myb bleh kwn lgkk but yeahhh.. turun sudah pangkat dia paling bawah skali. ats sket dr ‘enemy’ dlm idop aku. hurm. sape la tuh kn? adelaaarr manusia uh.. btul x ann? yahh.. anddddd need to remember that
” he is only a friend. Friend is always a friend no matter what happen. cme.. “
okeyy, okeyy, da lpe da msj uh.. tp tula.. frens is always a fren. pastu, ann ckp, xya tipooo diri sendrik.. okeyy, i do syg him tp skarang nih. lebeyh pd kwn biase suda. kwn baik pon xkottt.. and he started to awaying himself~~ =_______= ade ke awaying? huh.. like I care~

aku pon tarak tawu ape kne ari nih.. jadikk BAEK.. super duperrr baikkkkk laa.. dgn Mr.Weird.. XDXDXDXD xdelaa… dia kate aku ade prob dgn dia sek.. where got one? adeeehhhhh.. dia kate aku layan dia x mcm org lain.. ahahaha.. nk wat cmne.. aku kn ade feeling kt dia.. pastu bilerrr dia cm respond lain macm uh @.@ aku pon aneh anehkanla diri.. ahahahaaaa.. sengal~ pastu ble cm msj2 uh.. aku ty ar dia.. asl dia kate ade mslh jadah2 smua tuh.. dia kate tu yg dia rse arr… =_____________= ape psl la perlu rse cm uh skali.. aneh aneh.. watever.. but hey,, i do like the time we spend to getha getha tdy.. hakhak.. okeyy, better stop now psl dia.. nnt fa stat her nonsense again!

so, my pointer for this test 1 is around 2.8 lbih byk 0.2 pon rsenyep dr eijan ituh.. juga sme aliah dan jia wen~~ ergh.. seb baik x smpi 3.. klau smpi 3,, sah2la aku melalak… hahahahaa.. btw, aku dpt 44 utk EST.. cinonetttt btul!! marks aku utk EST x pna2 main 40++ aleh2 dpt ginih lakkk annnnnn.. rse cm nk drop jep.. eijan ckp.. soklan uh yg pentol~~ thp cipan masok lobang mne ntah aku pon tarak tawu.. tp tulaa.. dia ckp x ya drop.. try dulu.. aku suda bilang sme mak aku nk nk drrrrooooppp. tp cm xde hasil la plak.. dia suro try jepp. btw… klau aku rse x leyh bt, aku x dtg la kot urk paper EST mse SPM nntt.. hahaha.. ske ske ati jepp.. nih sme kak sos laaaa punye psl.. cube la klau dia x provok plajarrr or whtevr.. mesti subjek dia nih menjdi pooojaaaa annnnnn even subjek uh sebnernyepppp subjek elektif ajeeew.. hampeeeehhhh…

last but not leasttttt, road of life is always under construction.. memula uhhh myb susah kot nk accept yg road of life uhhh berlobang sane sinhhhh tpp at the enddd.. sbb da slalu jln.. (even gne kerete serba baru) u will understand how it workssss laa actually~~ dan kne pk punye pk punye pk way to improve jln yg lobang lobang uhhhh.. x gituh???