yeah.. i want him to go date with me >.<

hurm.. recently, i having a quite tough time in life.. hahaha… poyo jep.. saje jep.. mane xnyep.. asik pk psl Mr.Weird pastu ntahlaa.. huwahuwahuwa.. gatal btul aku nih.. tp tula.. erm.. biar jela… so, i found this, at sex.etc.

+ Be yourself.
Although this sounds clichéd, this is probably one of the most important things to remember. If a person isn’t interested in you being exactly who you are, then he or she probably isn’t right for you.
+ Come up with something that you’d like to do with him or her.
Then, casually ask him or her to go to the movies or out to dinner. Who doesn’t like a good meal or movie?
+ Plan a group date.
This is a good move if you’re not comfortable asking someone out. You can have some of your friends and their friends all go out together. (If you end up having a bad time, at least you won’t be stuck.)
+ Don’t be shy!
According to my informal poll, guys especially think it’s hot when a person asks them out, so don’t hold back. Be bold and make the first move. Whether you’re a girl or guy, confidence is key, and most find it sexy.
+ Be a friend first and then ask your crush out.
It’s sometimes easier to plunge into something more if you get to know each other as friends first.
+ Bounce back, even if you’re rejected!
We all have different tastes, and if a person decides you’re not right for him or her, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It just means you’re not right for that person, and you deserve to be with someone who thinks you’re great. There is ALWAYS someone else.

kredit to ; Allie Hough

life can be tough and kewl .. but yeah.. i’m happy with who i am.. waaa.. (T.T) still hope that there is a chance between me and him.. ayayaya.. miss la kt suhail.. hahaha.. suddenly jep~~ Suhail ckp, esk dia jdk org baru.. since tomorrow hari sukan sekolah dia && yeah.. new 17 years-old Suhail~~ yihaaa.. cant wait to be friend with him ^^

so, today is the first day of test 1.. pastu, waa.. giler sudah.. byk salah sudah agama… =___=
adedeyh.. pastu eijan begitu semangat nk suro mak aku tnda paper math kitorng (aku dgn dia) sbb dia nk tgk markah aku.. waa.. nggak mao laaa.. huhu~~ aku da lerrr tydo jep abs jwb paper.. akhirnya, dpt gak aku bt 1 of the things yg aku nk bt~~ tydo dlm kelass tp xsyok sgt ar sbb tydo uh time time pekse.. nk tydo time cikgu ajar kt depan.. xpe… erghh..

ps: still heart him for ever && ever..