.Sarah kawin.

Assalamualaikum wbt

finally some good news to tell. last 22th october, a good friend of mine from high school got married. Well, it was a friend from my last high school. At first, we wanted to come during the reception but then, my lil bro and sis were not at home during that time so mum asked me if we can come during the nikah. I asked sarah and she said okay.

So we went around 930AM and met Wanie, Sarah’s best friend. And witnessed the nikah process (?) mum cried seeing sarah being hitched i dont know why maybe she felt like sarah is her daughter. Well apparently, my classmates are all my mum sons and daughters and they called my mum, ummi too. And bapak sarah yang nikahkan. I wish i will be that lucky.

Sarah is so beautiful on that day i wanted to cry too. Hehe ;D #sarahabqoriwedding i took videos and photos buttttt i look ugly so I’m just gonna upload the one from the whatsapp group. HAHAHAHAHA

The only decent picture of me with the pengantin 👆👆👆 and… this is like the 3rd friend weddings i went this year(?) because usually i didnt go to any of my friend wedding because of my conditions.

I wish the best for Sarah and Abqori for their marriage. Hopefully till Jannah. BARAKAH WA RAHMAH 💑💑💑

.Nazeerah’s wedding.

Assalamualaikum wbt

How are youuu? Lol. Like people read it anywayyyy last 20th August, my dear friend, from SSCA 2015 got married. Basically she is someone who kinda play important role in my life? Aaaaaiihhh what am i saying? During my degree life, she is one of those helpful and kind soul who helps me. So she is important. Haha? Okay2. So she get married on the 20th at The Mines 2, Seri Kembangan. We went there (without dad of course since he is so busy with qurban things). 

We started our journey around 9Am and arrived there around 1pm? And I’m glad that i went there because i met most of my classmates there. Here some picturesss (from class whatsapp group and my brother’s gopro).

Pengantin cantik

Tengok pengantinnnnn
Free styleeeee

Everyone looks so beautiful especially the bride & groom. Heheeeeee. Too bad I can’t stay too long during that time because mum wants to go to her friend’s son/daughter wedding at The Duchess Place, Ampang which turned out bad. The place got small parking. We had to walk far and almost all the food, when we arrived around 3pm something finished already. So sad ;( plus it was freaking hot that day. We didn’t even get doorgift ;(

We decided to stay in IOI RESORT, Putrajaya that night after looking for hotel around KLCC which kinda full that day. Had dinner in Dubuyo, Ioi Mall and sleep. Super tireddddd. But yeahhh, Dubuyo kinda eatable? I can eat the kimchi there compared when i had it at Ampang Mall? (I cant even remember the place) long time ago. 

Then the next day, at 1st mum wants to go to Janda Baik but siblings dont really want so we decided to lepak2 at ioi mall,had our lunch and went to Seremban to pick up adik’s things (yes, adik dropped out of SBP and mum register her to SIGS. From SGS to SIGS.LOL) and went back to JB.

To Nazeerah (in case she read this which i highly doubt), SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARUUUUUU โคโคโคโค semoga kekal hingga ke Jannah gituuu. Thanks for helping me during my time in UTM. ์‚ฌ๋ž‘ํ•ด. 

Till then,

Take care everyone!


Assalamualaikum wbt

semalam telah pergi ke Melaka bersama sama jiran tetangga Uda Utama. the reason was… kak dayah’s wedding at Teluk Mas. glamer tak glamer you alls..naik bas sekolah beramai ramai. hahahaha. anyway… malas nak cerita byk2 saje je nk update nih ๐Ÿ˜› ouh.. so..kitorg sampai Melaka dalam 11 lebih kot pastu pakcik Jamal bawak pergi Perigi Hang Tuah. all the makciks beli la belacan, cencaluk bagai. cik ani siap beli beg. ahaha..pastu baru gerak pegi rumah pengantin. sampai2 jmpe kak dayah pastu makan pastu pengantin tiba pastu amik2 gambar then balik..singgah Masjid Selat then pegi Pantai Klebang tengok muzium (laaaa sangat…) kapal selam. pastu balik JB semula. sampai dalm pkul 11 malam. sbb highway jam so pakcik Jamal ikut jalan dalam.

nak tengok gambar?! pergi kt facebook ye ๐Ÿ˜› hahaha. ni ade satu. nah!

apa lagi nak cerita? hurm.. tu jela kot. oh yaaa…. i need to set some list about things to be achieve this year. and really hope one of the things come true like SO TRUEEEE. hahaha. i think am gonna keep my words too. please anticipate it! oh ya..everyone, please take care of your health okay? recently, cuaca tak menentu betol. kejap hujan kejap panas. aish…macam2. aku pun dah batuk2 nih.

esk ade amik darah kt HSI. taknak pegi boleh tak?~ harap2 nurse tu tak buat hal lagi. hahaha. esok Syamil ade game rugby kt sek BBU. nak pergi tengok tapi tengoklah esk cmne. so, thats all.

salam ๐Ÿ˜‰


Assalamualaikum wbt

dah lame tk main tag tag ni.weeee ๐Ÿ˜€ mood dah kembali ceria seleps habis exam KTT.hahahaha.mmg btol lah subjek subjek kimia core ni boleh buat orang gila + sasau + sewel utk sementara waktu.tpi tkpelaaa.kan kita ade Tuhan, jom lah minta tolong Dia. ๐Ÿ™‚

saya telah ditag oleh cik MYRA HISHAM y sweet, bakal graduan dr UIA.kan? kan?

meh kita tgk soalannyaaaaa..

1.ย Apa benda yang penting dalam hidop korang?
ade byk.on the top of the list is tafsir quran, then my nikky (laptop) lastly, my Eric (handphone)

2. Benda terakhir yang korang beli menggunakan duit korang sendiri?
novel ^^ tpi klau pakai duit elaun kire duit sendrik tak?

3. Dimana tempat korang ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
tempat : masjid, tema : kembali ke zaman dahulu kala.

4. Adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang?
tidak dengan orang.ya dengan buku kimia ๐Ÿ™‚

5.Berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang?
tkde tempoh mase sbb tkde sape y mencintai/dicintai di sini ye.

6. Dimana korang selalu jumpa kekasih korang?
tkya jumpe2 la.membazir sgala2nye.

7.ย Novel / buku / majalah yang terakhir korang beli?
novel ungu karmila by ramlee awang murshed (wat-eva the spell)

8. Apakah nama penuh korang?
Farhah Binti Kamarudin

9. Antara mak dan ayah,yang mana korang lebih mesra?
tkmesra sgt dgn dua2.blh tk cmtu? more to mom bila cm ade rse nk citer2, more to dad bila nk minx itu ni.hahaha.

10. Namakan orang yang betul-betul nak jumpa dalam hidup korang?
mse tgh hidup ni nk jumpe bakal hubbylah.klau after life, nk sgt jumpe Nabi.

11. Adakah korang basuh baju sendiri?
klau masuk mesin kire basuh sendri tak? saya ade masalah kulit yang kronik bila berdepan dgn sabun.

12. Dimanakah tempat yang betul2 korang nak pergi?
United Kingdom.

13. Pilih salah satu,peluk atau cium?

14.5 benda yang korang sangat-sangat sayang dalam hidup korang?

  • tafsir quran
  • laptop
  • novels
  • kiki dan bubu (kibu bak kata Haiqal Shirajzudeen)
  • bags dan kasut kasut

15.5 lagu yang paling korang suka dan selalu dengar?

  • Bad girl – BEAST
  • Hello – SHINee
  • No other – Super Junior
  • Mystery – BEAST
  • Thank you – 2PM

16. Bila tarikh lahir korang dan kat mana korang sambut tahun lepas?
14 july.sambut kt F3.23 Kolej kediaman al-khawarizmi, kolej matrikulasi johor.tkdelah best sgt pon sbb mse tuh tgh exam tpi tk igt PSPM ke UPS.pastu esknye 15 July ummi dtg bwk hp bru (my eric) hehe ๐Ÿ˜€ suka suka.

17. 6 orang blogger yang korang nk tag.

  • Kak Zafiqa
  • Amirfazwan
  • Neeqlisa
  • Sarah Qistina
  • Asyraaf Azahari
  • Arep Mahat bersempena blog baru ^^,

18. cerita sikit bloger yang pertama korang tag.
Kak zafiqa merupakan seorang akak yang baik.dia akak angkat saya di dunia maya ini.cehwah ayatttt.dia ade blog citer2, best ๐Ÿ˜€

sekian terima kasih.


huwaa.. ade 2 wedding yg di attend ari nih. penat woo.. satuh uhhh kt kota tinggi. dgn hujan nye.. kitorg g umah mak jah [kwn umi mse hj].. kt umah dia, mkn sup tulang~~~ ngee~ dh lame woo x mkn.. pastu g ar umah org kwin uh.. ramai2 konvoi arhhh kire,, kwn2 haji mak ayah fa. pastu,,, mse kt umah org kawin uhhh mkin nasi putih. ngee~~ aneh2 la weyy.. mkn nasi putih lauk ayam mask kicap, daging rendang, ulam2 smua, ade nangka masak lemak = = tp fa amik sket je psl da makn. hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

pastu g smyg kt msjd kota tinggi uhhh. hehe ๐Ÿ˜€ leps solat uh,, balik JB smula.. smpi JB, g majidi park.. g umah kazen umi. and guess what??? jumpe Azli senario uhh.. wahaha.. anak kazen umi uh kaiwn dgn family member Azli uh.. layan jep. klaka gak ahh mse tol tol uh.. ouh ohhh.. klau nk kawin dgn org johor.. kne tawu psl tol tol nih.. klau x, jdk macm kak edah’s husband. bru buat roadblock sket.. da x nk jln. mcm tatau je kawin dgn org johor. apedaahhh.. wat malu org pahang jep. wahaha..

pastu pastuhhh…. g umah cik bibah.. ok ok, cik bibah nihhh mak angkat fa mse umi dgn ayah g haji. fa duk umah dia. and ryte now,, umah dia mmg bes gilaaakk ahh. cun lgkk.. mcm hotel uhhh,, swimming pool je x de. klau ade uhh,, bes la weyyy.. hahaha… cik bibah nihh dah bersara so,,, ari tuh dia g EUROPE 3 minggu. huwaaaaa… bessss la weyy.. nk ikutt!!!! hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

hurm.. ape lgkk nk citer??? ouhh.. fa bru terigt yg fa kne bt jadual kelas. cool ahh.. lg 1 hari cuti, bru nk bt. mmg cool ahh kn?? cool gilaaakk.. abis arhhh aku nnt!!! ngee~~~ peduli ape.. shaye ROCK!!! orgnyee.. hahah.. cm abg yin kn? hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

ouhh yaa.. jari fa sakit.. jari manis fa.. kne something2 uh.. sakitt woo.. makn pon tdy gne 3 je jari. sakit auw klau kne air ke ape ke.. seksa jep. umi ckp jgn kopekk tp da terkopekk.. nk wat cmne??? kn? kn? bukan sengaja.. huwa3… x cool sggtt ahh.. sbb sakettttt klau kne airr ke ape ke… ngee~~~

tu jela nk citer.. smlm ade ym dgn iqrima, dia ckp mamat say sayang fa. huwa3.. klaka la mamat dgn abg yin. ske merepek! tp diorng arhh abg fa yg bes bes ๐Ÿ™‚ huhu.. ske la nihhh agaknye klau tau kne puji. ngee~~ layan jep..

ehh.. mlm nih stat perlawanan pembukaan EURO 2008. cool ahh. bgun kul 2 pg okeeyyyyyy??? jgn lpe tgk 1st game.. ngee~~ abis ahh.. lps nih stay up saje.. tgk EURO..dun wori.. dlm stay up uhh mesti study. ayiez suro cheer up and stay focus!! okeyy ayiez, dun worii. love u ahh.. hahahaa….. love u much much. hahaa…

ps: fa xde duit!!! nk duit!! skarang!!!

fine fine~

hurm.. i told yin, about his nick at myspace.. haha.. ske2 je.. but never told him dat i type about him at this blog. he’s going to kill me if he knows about it.. uh ya.. moning tdy, got msj from him.. kne repeat paper.. smpi 3 paperr.. and we decided to study together.. hoho. next year, SPM wo.. knela study..

yesterday, amir.. nape ntah.. dia x aleh2 ckp psl mati.. rse cm nk sekeh2 je.. dia suro doakan dia la.. kem salam member2 dia.. pergh.. aku seram siot cpt psl kematian neyh.. uh uh.. ramai kn yg terkorban kemalangan kt utara negara ituh.. seram wooo.. kesian tuh.. dak pompuan tuh.. pergh.. umo x cukup da dijemput tuhan… sedeyh.. uh ya.. amir da ade ms.. tp aku x add lgkkk.. haha..

suhail~~~ yesss yess.. lurve him.. haha.. gile poyo.. ala. biasa ar tuh.. bf gf tipu2.. kn suhail kn??? dia da ok sket aku rse.. btul x tuan punye badan??? rse dia da lebih tenang.. hoho.. lg plak.. smalam… aku citer kt dia psl budak2 tuh.. pergh.. npe lak ekk?? time2 da nk lpe.. bleyh lak nk muncul balik dalm idop aku.. suhail suro lebyh kuat.. yeah yeah…

uh ya.. ari tuh.. share dgn suhail psl apan.. ngarut2.. suhail kate.. apan tuh memalukan kaum nyee~~~ suhail yg ckp okeyy??? bukan leha… dia kate.. ignore je si apan tuh.. okeyy mr.suhail… i will ignore him.. hoho.. dia misscall pon aku wat x layan..

talked until 2 am lebyh dgn yin.. bile cam da x de pape nk ckp.. bleyh plak ckp psl kawin!!! haha.. brangan brangan… aku ckp aku nk jdk pengapit diaa… dpt ke??? mcm x je.. aku bukan adik betul pon.. tp adik bradik dia smua laki!!!! bulehla kn kirenye??? hahahaha… sudah2.. SPM is coming… around da corner je..

urm.. key ar.. tetyba igt kat aysuria dan my chemistry homework~~~~ mlsnyee~~~~