.27 and counting.

Assalamualaikum wbt

hello people. long time no see *again* anyway,, i want to share what i did during my birthday this year. well, as you all know [please pretend you even when you dont], i’m usually dont join big event especially if the event is outside johor. thank god, last weekend was a special one.

I went for an event by @btsforcharity. they organised an event at  ARTCUBE GALLERY, KUALA LUMPUR last weekend, #LUSTRUMSCENE. its an account for bts fans but they’re more on doing charity event and stuffs. long story short, yupp this event.

so, the journey started after subuh. we [me and bro] dropped my mum at AYER KEROH, MELAKA. Then moved to KL. I arrived there around 10.50-ish. Yuna picked me up. then we lepak2 at McD. Met Jia and B, superfun! I met Jia before at Shah Alam. Met Angel too! Met KakSeul, Bee~ ahhh I met Nicola there!!!! she came down to say hi. anddd I met Ainur, she brought me cake! met another Jia with her sister.

they sang me birthday song at McD lol it was embarrassing but fun hahaha because suddenly there’s an aunt who came to our table and asked which one of you celebrate their birthday then she said one of her son is having a birthday too and we end up singing birthday song to him too. cute >,<

then i think around 12 something only we went to see the exhibition hahaha and of course meeting with lots of other ARMYs too! let me try to list it down. hahaha. I met Feefa, Abby, Z le brat, Kina, Anyara, Beth!!!!,  kak tea, wonnie, iffah, Adel, Mimi. Yun and Angel are the one who push me around. i met kak Manja too!!! wish can stay longer to talk to her.

I’m like super thankful to all of them because they seriously so much fun!!! we talked, gossiped, and took lots of photos but of course not in my phone. I received  another 2 cakes ; 1 from kak seul and another 1 from beth and angel. they’re such a sweetheart. so in total 3 cakes.

ahh Z ended up going back with me because hahahahahaha she can 😛 after the event we met adik at cyberjaya, gave her nectar and amil gave her some money lewls arrived home by 11 pm and caught up with some issues on my account but worry not, i’m totally fine with it hahaha so thankful for ‘mute’ function in twitter.

oh yaaa, before i end this post, i actually wanna say THOUSANDS OF THANKS to my buddies [YUN, ANGEL, JIA, BETH] for entertaining me there, pushed me around the checkpoints in the exhibition, to KakSeul and Ainur for giving me cakes for my birthday [Angel and Beth too!] and to KakSeul for taking lots of photos for me.

this is like my first time joining an event in a fandom and its on my birthday and seriously so thankful to all of them. may god repay you guys good things! its like meeting friends who knew you in real life when you actually knew them from internet. first time is like thousands time already because never feel any gap in the friendship. i might end up crying lol i reallly3x love them so much oh god please get them under your protection!

lastly, thank you for all the birthday wishes [hi AG! love you! <3] from my friends and followers in my fan account and yeahh basically everyone who wishes me. may good things happen to you too! enjoy the pictures.

from AINUR



ps: thank god not so many people in the foodcourt. its hahahaha…. but thanks guys. i really3 love you guys. i had so much fun on my birthday this year! i might missed some names so, sorry!

.a graduation day story.

Assalamualaikum wbt

ahahaha… almost a month after my graduation day here i am baru nak cerita lol.. bare with me as this post gonna be long ass post with photos and probably some sobbing captions or story ahahaha…

apparently, its a month after my graduation day than only am able to write about my graduation day story. lol. super busy aaahh these days. sorry babe~ anyway, so, my graduation day was on 24th october 2016, its a day after mum’s birthday (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MUM~!) so how should i write this… please note that this might be long ass crappy with photos and captions.

those who knew me in real life or internet life [in any life la kannn] mostly knew la my conditions so, because of that, oh my god, am so amazed that i finally able to graduate with degree in chemistry. do you know how tough my life is? ahaha okay maybe not that tough laaaaa. so on that day itself baru i managed to contact with organiser?? to rehearsal how am i gonna take my album. [ now i forgot who that bro name – the one who pushed me that day LOL]. adik skipped school and accompanied me backstage. ahaha. thanks adik~!



and… i planned to stand up when i received my album BUTTTTTTTT things happened. AHAHAHAHAH dramatic kau ni~ Pro Chancellor? tu turun pulak dari tempat dia and i happened to ‘tak sempat’ nak berdiri untuk ambil album. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… and my convo picture kinda crappy too. anyway, i dont really mind that. and guess what, they wrote my story for utm convo bulletin.


pastu ramai la pulak dok share2. omg malu gilaaaaaaaaaaa.. ahahhaa.. but looking at the bright side, FARHAH DAH GRADUATE WEIIIIII. orang lain amik masa 3 ke 4 tahun je nak grad kau amik sampai 5 tahun lol. mujur jugak wei MUET dah expired tu tak jadi hal, kalau tak sangkut lagi. ahahaha padahal dah nak sangkut gak graduation sebab tak amik UTM plus2 tu. hahaha.

lepas majlis, ape lagi~~~ mehla amik gambo~



dengan kak nad and kak ima, best akak ever
dengan ida, geng kpop haha
Dgn cikyam
dengan adik2 junior, chia-fainnas-din
kak et dengan AG, lol -o- sape pernah baca pasal AG, ni aaa AG… ahaha kebetulan plak akk dia grad on the same session maka kita pon paksa ahhh AG jumpa. lol. hi AG, hadiah grad bile nak bagi ;P





dah nak balik tu nampak pulak En Hashim, a gift from GOD sbb En Hashim banyak sangat tolong kitaaaaa 🙂
with MekD ahahaha dengan Diana, my fave girl ever… tapi dia busy aaa sekrang, dah berkerjaya gituuuu
dengan family ida~
the girls




diana and ……. [lupa sapa nama dia tapi dia ni sekelas ko-q kalau tak silap, budak mathematics] agagaga…
without Amil sebab dia ade kelas but later that night we went to studio to take photos

haha tipulah kalau dalam kegembiraan ni tak sedih sebab tak graduate dengan rakan sekelas buttt i dont mind sebab lain orang lain ceritanya and of course, being a kpop girl 😛 i took photos with my bias too, JIMIN


then, on the same week, [since i decided to return the robe on the last day], we went to faculty to meet lecturers. i was hoping to meet my PA, Dr Farediah and gladly met her on that day. and…. since i went there with my mum, we also met Dr Hasnah. LOLOL my mum supervisor, what a small world we live in. and guess what, kecoh kot~ ahahaha..

Dr. Hasnah citer pasal dia tanya aku, on the first day masa aku kat utm, in the first class after taking a break for a year, ‘kenapa awak tak tukar course je…’ upon seeing me in wheelchair during that time. walaupun dah 4 tahun berlalu, wa ingat lagi ayat Dr. Hasnah wei. ahahaha sentap punya pasal. ma kinda make a big deal cakap aku nangis la pe la padahal aku tak nangis pon. like whatever la Dr~pastu psl PSM lagi dengan dia. fuhhhhh… naseb baek ah ade Dr Hasmerya datang membantu. tapi itu hari tak dapat jumpa pon Dr. Hasmerya.

Dengan SV dak Diana, Dr Aziah
me ma and Dr. Hasnah
dgn Dr. Farediah, My PA
Kak Iffah, akak pejabat yg byk tolong kitaaaaa
alahaiiii christine.. my classmate tapi dah grad last year now tgh smbung belajar lagi. cool~
Dr belanja minum… dkt bilik aktiviti… ahahaha…
dgn adik2 manja~







Dr. Rusmidah
aten and nana, my labmates masa dengan Prof Rahim
Encik Daniel

pastuuuuuu petangnya konon nak amik gambo dekat Iskandar sat g hujan selebat lebatnyaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah esok petangnya baru pergi tapi ye ye oooo jela gamba2nya pon hahaha

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so thats all… hahaha… lastly, nak say THANKS beribu2 TERIMA KASIH SAYANG to everyone yang menjayakan sesi pembelajaran fa di UTM, USM semualaaaaaa especially to my family members – umi, ayah, ojan, amil, syaffaa-, to all my classmates [ssca 2015, ssca 2016, ssca 2018, few sscc2016 and girls in USM – wiena, khalid, ana, kiah, ju, another ana, hanis, anis, mas and ramai lagi], lecturers [yang ajar dan tak ajar tapi still dont give up on me], akak2 pejabat [kak iffah, kak liza, kak zamila and yg lain2 sorry tak sebut nama sbb xtahu heeeeeeeeee 😀 but you know who you are laaaa],  Dr. Hasmerya and akak2 lab – kak ima, kak nad, kak ros, kak syara [ape kabo baby] -, and my girls – adah, izzati, kak ros, cikyam, fyda, nad, kak rai, diana, ida, ily, umi zulaikha – yang tolong2 drive pergi kelas pergi makan pergi meronda lol and to everyone yang doakan2 fa dalam diam sampailah fa habis belajar. jasamu ku kenang, moga tuhan permudahkan urusan hidup kalian. hikhik. terharu takkkk… haha..perasan kau ni~

maka tamatlah cerita degree fa~ ape buat sekarang… ahaha… next post la cerita buat ape sekarang, till then, take care~

ps : maaflerrr banyak gambo~

.Sarah kawin.

Assalamualaikum wbt

finally some good news to tell. last 22th october, a good friend of mine from high school got married. Well, it was a friend from my last high school. At first, we wanted to come during the reception but then, my lil bro and sis were not at home during that time so mum asked me if we can come during the nikah. I asked sarah and she said okay.

So we went around 930AM and met Wanie, Sarah’s best friend. And witnessed the nikah process (?) mum cried seeing sarah being hitched i dont know why maybe she felt like sarah is her daughter. Well apparently, my classmates are all my mum sons and daughters and they called my mum, ummi too. And bapak sarah yang nikahkan. I wish i will be that lucky.

Sarah is so beautiful on that day i wanted to cry too. Hehe ;D #sarahabqoriwedding i took videos and photos buttttt i look ugly so I’m just gonna upload the one from the whatsapp group. HAHAHAHAHA

The only decent picture of me with the pengantin 👆👆👆 and… this is like the 3rd friend weddings i went this year(?) because usually i didnt go to any of my friend wedding because of my conditions.

I wish the best for Sarah and Abqori for their marriage. Hopefully till Jannah. BARAKAH WA RAHMAH 💑💑💑

.recap raya 2016.

Assalamualaikum wbt

ahahaha. setelah sekian lama raya berlalu, baru nak post pasal raya. raya haji pon dah lepas. hahahaha. tragis betul hidup kau ni fa weh.. anyway, nak cerita, raya tahun ni tak berapa nak merrierrrr sgt lah more to kehambaran. kenapa? hurm… adelerrr sebab2nya… takkan nak cerita kat sini pulak. kita mestilah nak show the good side jekan? hahaha. so, post kali ni nak recap raya 2016.

WARNING!!! this entry will be full with pictures and long ass description (maybe)

adik beradik betul, adik beradik susuan, abg sedara dan anaknya. lokasi ; rumah atok jalan surau.
family portrait raya 2016. without Fauzan because he works on that day. but we met him at rumah atok later on

as usual, we also went to rumah jiran atok. mak yah and cik sayed. wore red and orange on that day. makan2 borak2 as usual.

me with lil sibs
pakbusu, ayah, adik, amil

then, few from dad’s side families came to our house on Raya 5. usually, there’s raya celebration happening on Raya 4 but sadly, this year we decided not to join [my family only – reason ; something big happen in the family – my family – not dad’s side] so they came to us. hehe ;D


with my cousins [below], they moved to Kluang this year!!! yeay!!!

dad’s side families [i look so ugly pardon me]
mum’s side families

i dont remember when but my mum’s side also came to our house for raya.

ibu abah from Mersing
sedara sampai mati(?) hopefully

ibu abah ni family yang jaga kitorang mase kitorang duk mersing. diorang masa tu baru balik dari Melaka? [somewhere north] and came to our house before they went back to Mersing. its my 1st time seeing Kak AIN after such a long time? maybe more than 10 years. hahaha. i didnt go to her wedding ;( oh yeah, i also met FAZLI, my buddy during my school period in Mersing. reminiscing memories with Fazli. hahahaha. bodoh2 je teringat berebut nak naik motor lepas sekolah. mujur jugak tak berapa rapat dulu so takdelah merepek2 sangat memory nye. hahaha. because i have like quiet adventurous memories there.

FAZLI with ABAH at the back

this year, we went to BATU PAHAT. saje2 so ive decided to raya rumah HAZY, my girl i knew from REPUBLIC OF 1991. the other time, [before this] i came to her house without her being around [she’s in aussie and we only talked thru webcall? /iphone messager?/ whatever its called]. so this time, she’s arounddd. hehe ;D her mum also bekalkan kuih bakar so yummyyyyy.

pergi raya rumah HAZY

on the 14th july, we went to KL for my birthday trip. i wrote about it in previous post.


then on 17th july, my high school  buddies came for raya and my birthday celebration. so sweet of you guysssss.  yuppp i wrote about it in previous post. if i rajin then i’ll link it ;P

birthday celebration by high school buddies
rumah jiran singapore

this is the first time we went raya [without marhaban like before] to our Singaporean neighbour’s house and the foods were really good. 5 stars. uncle tu masak sedap gilaaaaaaaaaa. like you really can go crazy la when you eat. isterinya, makcik Seni [yupp such unique name there] pon mesra2 je. like you know, some singaporean [EMPHASIZING THE ‘SOME’ HERE!!! which mean not everyone from Singapore] agak kerek when they come to malaysia but this family not like that [okay maybe not because their children tak mesra sangat?] hahaha but i dont mind la. like… biasalah tu. hopefully, we can be a good friend when they fully moved here in the next few years. [which i dont know when laaaaah]

dad dgn uncle …………. [i forgot him name -,-]
lastly for raya, we went to SHAH ALAM to meet tok busu at seksyen 2? so we stayed at LAWANG SEKSYEN 14? its FAIZ’s place by the way (known as F in republic1991). for the 1st i met with eju, pene, peyi, f [even we both are admins of the forum before hahahaha] and LJ with his wife. [ i was texting LJ saying that am in SHAH ALAM and staying at lawang homestay and he said that he’s on the way to shah alam to cari makan so i pon invite la dia sekali pegi makan kat lawang]. dalam whatsapp/forum berborak macam2. dah jumpa awkward pulokkk. mujorlahhhh ade hazy. hahaha. takde ahh segan sangat.

girls @ lawang
boys @ lawang
raya at lawang with republican1991

the next day tu, kitorg pergi rumah tokbusu then wedding dekat muzium shah alam tu [belakang masjid] and went all the way to sungai buloh [mum’s friend open house] then stayed at Ampang [went to mum’s friend house, cik dang] and went to IKEA CHERAS. then only the next day, we went back to JB. [i forgot to download the pictures from tokbusu house from the group chat – its actually her son-in-law’s house- and i cleared all the photos already – what a life~!]

this raya also ade buat open house [but not really open la sb simple2 je]. masak nasi lemak, beli nasi arab, roti jala. i invited akak2 lab [kak ima, kak syarah, kak nad, kak ros – i forgot to take a picture with them. duhhhh – and congratulations to kak syarah for having a baby boyyyyyy] and mum invited her school friends.

walaupun cam hambar jeeee tapi takdelah hambar sangat, maybe hambar sebab tak banyak duit raya like before? hahahaha. like everyone duit raya collection tak begitu memberangsangkan?

raya haji pulak duk rumah je. we did qorban but oversea punya under EZQURBAN. i think thats all?

i was supposed to write more since i have finish my study but…. i dont know man.. i really wanna spill what happen to me in these few years back? not really few years la… like what happen since last year but… it might be a disgrace? haha i dont know anymore. oh ya.. i might write a review? [of what it is all about] for a recent book that i read [like finally i read something physically instead of reading an e-book/website/fanfictions lol]. so stay tuneeeeeeeeeee~

till then, take care.


.Nazeerah’s wedding.

Assalamualaikum wbt

How are youuu? Lol. Like people read it anywayyyy last 20th August, my dear friend, from SSCA 2015 got married. Basically she is someone who kinda play important role in my life? Aaaaaiihhh what am i saying? During my degree life, she is one of those helpful and kind soul who helps me. So she is important. Haha? Okay2. So she get married on the 20th at The Mines 2, Seri Kembangan. We went there (without dad of course since he is so busy with qurban things). 

We started our journey around 9Am and arrived there around 1pm? And I’m glad that i went there because i met most of my classmates there. Here some picturesss (from class whatsapp group and my brother’s gopro).

Pengantin cantik

Tengok pengantinnnnn
Free styleeeee

Everyone looks so beautiful especially the bride & groom. Heheeeeee. Too bad I can’t stay too long during that time because mum wants to go to her friend’s son/daughter wedding at The Duchess Place, Ampang which turned out bad. The place got small parking. We had to walk far and almost all the food, when we arrived around 3pm something finished already. So sad ;( plus it was freaking hot that day. We didn’t even get doorgift ;(

We decided to stay in IOI RESORT, Putrajaya that night after looking for hotel around KLCC which kinda full that day. Had dinner in Dubuyo, Ioi Mall and sleep. Super tireddddd. But yeahhh, Dubuyo kinda eatable? I can eat the kimchi there compared when i had it at Ampang Mall? (I cant even remember the place) long time ago. 

Then the next day, at 1st mum wants to go to Janda Baik but siblings dont really want so we decided to lepak2 at ioi mall,had our lunch and went to Seremban to pick up adik’s things (yes, adik dropped out of SBP and mum register her to SIGS. From SGS to SIGS.LOL) and went back to JB.

To Nazeerah (in case she read this which i highly doubt), SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARUUUUUU ❤❤❤❤ semoga kekal hingga ke Jannah gituuu. Thanks for helping me during my time in UTM. 사랑해. 

Till then,

Take care everyone!

.by friends.

Assalamualaikum wbt

Ape kabar semuaaaaaa? Lamanya tak update. Mwahahaha. Patut2 dah habis belajar ni banyaklah update kan? Lalalala. Anywayyy,,,,



Jemput datang rumah. Hehehehe… raya kan sebulaaaaaan. Hari ni baru 13 syawal. Ade lagi setengah bulan nak beraya. Haha

Anywayyyyyy, semalam (17.7.2016).. hikhik… segan pulak nak cerita… malam sebelum tu sarah mesej cakap nak datang raya. Well… biasa memang sarah & the geng akan datang raya umah. Cuma tahun lepas sarah dengan shepa je yang datang. Ok2.. sarah mesej then dalam group adalah update berapa orang nak datang. Waktunya bilaaaaa..

Semalam pagi umi ada event kat sekolah, balik tengahari tu baru umi masak. Dalam 1 lebih diorang sampai tapi dah siap masaklah. Aku pulak TER tido so kelam kabut solat and tukar baju pastu duk depan borak2 sementara tunggu budak2 laki pulak sampai.

Pastu bila dah sampai semua, umi ajak makan pastuuuu pastuuuu ternampak sarah bawak kotak kek. Aku dah……………… terharuuuuuu iols tauuuu.

Diorang nyanyi HAPPY BIRTHDAY hahhahaa siap pakai topeng mataaaa. Ahahhaa comelllll…. memang cam tak sangkalah sebab well… birthday aku dah lepas dah sebenarnya… comel betul diorang ni. 

Comel kaannnnn? Ahahaha… lepas tu makan2 and biasalah gambo2 bila raya ni.

Terharu sangat hahaha dah tuaaaa pon sambut birthday hahaha 

Ahaha banyak pulak gambooo. Mujor tukar baju. Selalunya kalau diorang datang, aku pakai baju tidur je. Hahaha. Terima kasih sarah, wani, ecah, shepaaaaa, zizan, ejan and epul. Tak ku sangkaaaaa. Hehe ;D lenkali boleh celebrate lagi. Hikhik. (Am so positive my birthday falls on raya AGAIN next year)

Till then, 


.pre grad dinner.


Wewewe…lama btul tak update annn..lgi 2 minggu dah nak naik sem….kali ni akan sensorang sebab yang lain dah habis blaja….T,T

Btw, pos kali nk nak belanja gambo pre grad dinner dekat Pulai Spring.






































Mak jemah, myra. King dgn late comer, Apiz. Zzzzz….memang patut apiz pon. Kikikiki. Pastu pika pon ade dapat gak. Tapi dah tak ingat. mwahahahaha… bulan berapa punya event ni.

Anyway, tahniah korang!!! Jangan lupa aku ye. Kikikiki. Ade setahun lagi sebelum habis belajar macam korang. Tazzabarrrr. Awal tak awal lah aku pergi pre grad dinner an…

Till then, buh-bye